Monster Data

You can view the info about your current monster by selecting "Monster" through the "Data" menu at the Ranch.

Basic Info

Displays levels and values of the monster's Life, Power, Intelligence, Skill, Speed, and Defense attributes.

Life (LIF) The monster's health. The monster will lose the battle (KO) if this reaches 0.
Power (POW) Increases the damage dealt with certain techniques.
Defense (DEF) Decreases the damage received.
Skill (SKI) Increases the accuracy of attacks.
Speed (SPD) Increases the evasion rate.
Intelligence (INT) Increases the damage of certain techniques. It also lowers the chance of getting lost while exploring.
Total The sum of the monster's attribute values.
Fame Fame value (0-100) is decided depending on the results of the tournaments. Higher fame increases the chances of critical hits.
Loyalty Affects work, training, and battles.
Training Status Analysis of your training style.
TYPE The monster's type.
GRADE The Grade of your current monster. (E < D < C < B < A < S)
NAME Your monster's name.
AGE Your monster's age.

Increasing Loyalty Training Style KO


Here you can view your monster's records, including information such as its battle win rates, the number of times it ran away, got injured, or became sick.

Technique Info

You can check the techniques your monster can use in battle. Select a technique icon to view the technique stats.

Training Record

Here you can view the monster's training records, including types of training it completed and tournaments it participated in.

View Mode

View the 3D model of the monster.