Starting the Game

Title Menu

New Game

Begin a new game. Select a difficulty setting between Easy, Normal, and Hard.

Load Game

Select a save or autosave to resume your game.


Allows you to change the settings for the camera, controls, and sound, as well as other features. You can also switch between control modes and toggle on and off the vibration, gyroscope sensor, and motion sensor.

Exit Game

Quit the game.

Only appears in the Steam® edition.

Saving & Loading


You can save the game at a lantern (save point) or after clearing a chapter.
The game will also autosave if you are within the vicinity of a lantern.


You can load a save file from the Title Menu by selecting Load Game.
Autosaves can be selected from the top of the Load Screen.


Loading a completed save file will display the Setup Screen. Configure the options to your preferences before beginning a new game.
You can change costumes or take on Missions to battle a variety of wraiths.