TOP  Getting Started  Startup and Controls for Windows

Steam Code

To play the game, you need to have the Steam client installed. Steam is a PC game platform released by Valve Corporation. It is free to install.

Note: To install the client software and/or to play the game, you must be connected to the internet.

Steam Installation

Before you can install the game, Steam must be installed and an account created. Please read the License Agreement and accept it.

Before starting the game

To run the game, you will need to login to the Steam client, and confirm your license.

Starting up the game

The game can be started as follows.
① Boot up the Steam client and log in.
② Select "NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: Taishi" from the Steam libraryand click "Play".
③ The startup screen will appear.


The following controls can be carried out with either the keyboard or the mouse.

【Shift】+Mouse wheel
Camera zooms in/out at slow speed
Note: Able to zoom up close
Scroll Map (up)
Scroll Map (down)
Scroll Map (left)
Scroll Map (right)
Camera zoom in
Camera zoom out
Toggle page【Help, etc.】
Move to Daimyō's current base
【Shift】+ click mouse
Set mid-point 【When selecting army】
Multiple selections 【When selecting items】
【Shift】+ drag mouse
Unit selection 【During battle】
Change camera angle (up)
Change camera angle (down)
Camera rotation (left)
Camera rotation (right)
Reset camera to face north
Cancel, close, clear selection
Select ✓
Select ×
Advance 【When time is stopped】
Stop【When time is advancing】
Lower advance speed
Raise advance speed
Display/Remove Command list
Shortcut to "Commerce" command
Shortcut to "Agriculture" command
Shortcut to "Develop" command
Shortcut to "Recruit" command
Shortcut to "Goodwill" command
Display Functions menu
Display Resolve
Change View
Display Dispatches
Display Quests
Display Policy
Display Help
Display Info
Skip Events