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Base Info

1Military Info

Soldiers Soldiers at base/marching soldiers + wounded soldiers + soldiers at base. Soldiers are made up of both militia and infantry.
HP, Strength Current HP/Max HP. Upgrading will raise the max HP. Strength refers to the level of the castle's durability. (S>A>B>C>D)
Reinforcement The location you are loaning a Reinforcement to and the remaining loan period.


The loyalty of the people towards the daimyō ).
The higher it is, the quicker population grows and the faster production rises.

3Agriculture Info

Harvest The amount of provisions you receive from the base in September. Determined by farmland, production, fertility and water control.
Farmland The size of the base's fields. The more there are, the greater the harvest. Can be increased using "Agriculture"‐"Clear" (September, December).
Production The base's production rate. The higher it is, the larger the harvest in September. Can be increased using "Agriculture"‐"Sow" (March), or "Mow" (June). After harvest the value is reset. (The initial value depends on things like popularity.) If a disaster strikes or you add militia, it will decrease.
Fertility A measure of how fertile the base's land is. The higher it is, the larger the harvest in September. Can be increased using "Agriculture"‐"Till" (March), or "Fertilize" (December). After each harvest the value decreases slightly. If a disaster strikes, it will decrease.
In general, bases with higher initial values of fertility tend to have lower initial water control and bases with lower fertility tend to have higher water control.
Water Control The status of water control at the base. Can be raised using "Agriculture"‐"Irrigate" (June). If you use "Clear" (September, December), it drops. When water control is low, popularity will decrease if a flood happens.

4Population Info

Farmers/Militia The number of people who provide provisions. Farmers provide a large amount of provisions, but they cannot participate in battle. Militia can join battle, but provide only a small amount of provisions. You can adjust the number of farmers and militia using "Recruit".
Refugees/Infantry The number of people who do not perform agriculture. Refugees move between counties based on things like popularity. Infantry can participate in battle, but require a monthly cost based on their numbers. You can adjust the number of refugees and infantry using "Recruit".

5Popularity Tab

Selecting this will allow you to review the factors for the rise and fall of popularity.

Country / County / Base

6Facility Tab

Select it to review the accumulated LV of each facility that is effecting the base.


Officer Info


Resolve The officer's ideal life style. In strategy phase and in military endeavors, they receive a variety of effects based on their Resolve.


LEA The higher this is, the faster their speed in battle and the more difficult it is for their castle to be captured in a castle defense battle.
Also, the higher it is, the easier it is for them to gain military policy power from their ideas in council.
VAL The higher this is, the more damage they do to enemy units in battle.
INT The higher this is, the less damage they receive from enemy units in battle.
Also, the higher it is, the easier it is to gain rhetorical policy power from your ideas in council.
POL The higher this is, the easier it is to gain agricultural/commercial policy power from their ideas in council.
FOR When assigned as an emissary in "Diplomacy", the higher this is the easier it is to raise goodwill.

3Age and other info

Ideals These affect how loyal the officer will be to their daimyō.
Rebellious How likely an officer will betray their daimyō. The higher this is, the more likely they will flee and leave their clan.
Serve The length of time they have been in service to their clan (years).
Loyalty An expression of their loyalty (in numbers) to their daimyō and of the danger of flight (icon). When loyalty is low, there is the potential demerit of being forced to retreat in battle due to the enemy daimyō's resolve.
If their loyalty is low relative to their rebellious parameter, the danger of fleeing gets worse and they are more likely to leave their clan.
Danger Caution Safety

4Details tab

Select this to view details about the officer.
Quality Triggers effects in Strategy Phase and Style. Also, when offering ideas in council, there are sometimes extra effects based on Quality.
Tactics These can be carried out in battle after they are proposed by an officer. Those displayed in blue will trigger automatically.
Plan Decided at the start of battle. Different effects based on plan.

5Character Tab

This allows you to view family and immediate clan members.

6Loyalty Tab

Allows you to review the factors for the rise and fall of loyalty.

Army Info

1Overall Info

Soldiers The number of militia and infantry in your army.
Provisions The amount of provisions consumed by the army each month.
Officer/Unit The number of officers and units that make up the army.


LEA The higher this is, the higher your speed on the battlefield and the harder it is for your castle to be taken in a siege.
VAL The higher this is, the more damage you give in battle and the more damage you deal to the enemy base when storming it.
INT The higher this is, the less damage you receive in battle and when storming a castle in a siege.


The qualities possessed by the officers in the army. Various effects can be obtained when marching and in battle.

Unit Info

1Soldiers info

Soldiers The number of militia and infantry in your army.
Gear Unit equipment and numbers.


Officers assigned to the unit. Effects unit ability and the available plans.


LEA  The higher it is, the better the morale and movement speed.
Attack The higher this is, the greater the damage done to the enemy unit.
Defense The higher this is, the smaller the damage received from the enemy unit.
Plan Decided at the start of battle. Different effects based on plan.
Traits Has effect in the strategy phase and military stages.

Trade Zone Info

1Clans that have expanded

The clans who have expanded into the trade zone and their influence. They receive income based on that influence.

2Trade zone production / Prosperity / Resources

Trade zone production The numeric value represents current Trade zone production / upper limit of Trade zone production. The higher the production, the greater the income. Production can be raised using "Invest".
Prosperity The higher this is, the greater the income. A normal trade zone develops over time. The more clans there are in the trade zone, the easier it is for prosperity to rise.
Resources Resources provide a range of effects, including increasing the income of a trade zone.

3Effects of Monopoly

Effects received from monopolizing a special trade zone.

Trade zone

Idea Effect Info

These are special effects received from selecting an idea during council. They differ based on the officer.
Idea effects last until the next council.

Maiden Info

Maidens can be married off to an officer or become officers themselves.
"Marriage" can seal a maiden of your direct family to a retainer. That retainer then becomes part of your direct family. As such, they will never betray you and are eligible to inherit when the daimyō dies.

Clan Maiden You can "Marry" maidens to daimyō of other clans or retainers of your clan. These married officers become a part of your clan.
Maidens of other clans Clans who have submitted to you will sometimes send their maidens to you. "Marry" allows you to make them a concubine of the daimyō, thus making them a part of the clan.

Children/Adopted children

Treasure Info


The type of treasure.


The value of the treasure. The lower the grade number, the greater the raise in loyalty when presented to an officer.


The country where it was created.

4Officer in possession

The officer currently possessing the treasure.


Clan Info


The readiness for war of the clan. The higher this is, the harder it is to capture your castle in a castle defense. Also, the higher the morale of each unit in a battle.


How your clan is looked on by other clans. Use "Goodwill" or give aid to other clans to raise this. As this increases, the more you can do to raise Goodwill, and the more advantageous your results will be when using "Negotiate" and "Reinforcement."


The daimyō's resolve, traits, and trait effects.

4Rank, etc.

Rank Clan strength and rank.
Population Population and rank.
Bases Number of bases.
Officers Number of officers.
Maidens Number of maidens.


Your current post and title.
Post is received from the Imperial Court in exchange for gold. With a post the effects of "Negotiate" are improved.
Titles are received as you increase the number of countries you control. With a title, after you declare war on another clan, it is more likely that people will side with you.

6Details tab

Select this to view detailed information about clans.

Labor / Seeds / Fertilizer Consumed when agricultural commands are carried out. Restored in September at the harvest.
Labor limits are decided by the number of farmers. Seed and Fertilizer limits can be raised by policies.
Soldiers Number of soldiers and rank.
Militia LV Strength and numbers of your militia. Strength can be raised with Trait Eff. and policies.
Infantry LV Strength and numbers of your infantry. Strength can be raised with Trait Eff. and policies.
Gold/Balance Gold shows the amount of gold you have and your rank. Balance shows the amount of gold you will receive next month and that rank.
Provisions/Harvest Provisions shows how many provisions you have and your rank. Harvest shows the current projection for the amount of provisions you will receive at the harvest in September and that rank.
Horses/Muskets The amount of horses and muskets you have and their rank.

7Facility tab

Select this to view the overall number of facilities a clan possesses, the LV of such facilities, as well as their income.

Country Info


The name of the clan in control of that country. When your clan controls over half of the counties in a country, your clan can take control of that country. Gaining control of over half of all countries in the entire land brings you close to clearing the game.

2Population and Income

The number of people in the country, number of bases, harvest, number of trade zones, and trade zone production.


The amount and type of the Resources in the country. Resources provide a range of effects, including increasing the income of a trade zone.


The number and type of landmarks in the country. Landmarks provide a range of effects depending on resolve, including strengthening certain bases.

Country / County / Base