TOP  Strategy Phase  Diplomacy


Send an emissary to another clan and improve their Opinion of your clan. The higher their Opinion of you is, the more types of negotiation you can do with them. You will be able to form commerce agreements, alliances, and even ask for goods.

1Opinion Parameters

Emotion (good/bad) is measured on the x-axis. Practicality is measured along the y-axis. With "Goodwill" you effect only the emotion.
Practicality is hard to improve directly. If their opinion is low because of practicality, then the possibilities for "Goodwill" become somewhat restricted.


An explanation of the characteristics of the Opinion parameters being shown.

3Opinion values

Shows Opinion as a number.

Factors deciding the effect of Goodwill

Emissary ability (Diplomacy)
Compatibility of the emissary and the target Daimyō.
Whether or not the Daimyō places importance on Goodwill .
Policy effects/Trait Eff.

Officer Info  Policy Screen  Resolve


Perform a variety of different negotiations with another clan, including commerce agreements, alliances, requests for submission, and so on.
Depending on the Negotiation Details and on their Opinion of your clan, the negotiation might fail or you may have to meet quite stringent conditions.

Negotiation Details

Diplomacy Commerce Agreement Arrange that merchant's form both clans can expand into the other's trade zones.
Alliance Form a non-aggression alliance that lasts for up to 2 years. These allies are more likely to choose your side in battle.
Marriage Form a permanent non-aggression alliance by receiving a maiden or lady officer by marriage into your clan or by sending a maiden or lady officer to marry into another clan. These allies are more likely to choose your side in battle.
Vassal Request for a clan to submit. Vassals will always choose your side during battle.
Submit Request to submit and become a vassal.
Order Dissolve Request that they cancel all alliances other than marriage alliances or vassalage with other clans.
Goods Gold Request gold.
Provisions Request Provisions.
Horses Request horses.
Muskets Request muskets.
Battle Peace Sue for Peace and end war status.
Other Treasure Ask for a treasure.
Raze Request they dismantle a base.
Remove Monopoly Request that the monopoly on a trade zone be removed.
Title Give a title.

Children/Adopted children  Trade Zones


Ask neighboring clans for reinforcements.
Can only be done while in war status, and there is frequently conditions asked in exchange.
If being invaded by another force and/or their Opinion is very good, the conditions might become lighter. They also become lighter when asking an ally or vassal.
Refusing a request for reinforcements could lower their opinion of your clan.


Request the immediate return of bases, soldiers, and officers that have been loaned out.
Doing this will lower their Opinion.
However, if you are being invaded, and they feel you are in danger of losing, they may agree to this without lowering their opinion of your clan.


Dissolve previously formed Commerce Agreement, alliances, vassalages, etc.
The opinions of the relevant clan and nearby clans will fall.